From 8 to 12 November 2021, Norrköping (Sweden)
An additional training event – not originally foreseen by the GA – has been organized in November 2021, kindly hosted by LIU at Norrköping, to give the ESRs the chance to meet in person once again after almost 2 years of virtual meetings.
The event took place from Monday 8 to Friday 12 November 2021: during these days the ESRs visited LIU’s and RISE’s site and did OECT experiments. They also had a pitching training run by Johanna Nählinder from LIU: a first session dedicated to a general introduction to pitching focusing on how should a pitch be structured, what information should be included and how to get the audience and a second session for a pitching contest amongst the ESRs to let them practice and receive feedback from the trainer to improve their skills.
During their stay they also attended research talks about enzymatic sensors/enzomatic polymerization, with intro to enzymes run by local researchers and visited some local Industries among which Dry Phase Patterning active in the field of Innovative technology for flexible printed circuit boards.